Juilette Sallin


Juliette Sallin is a fiber artist who has always been fascinated by the way we perceive nature through our senses. She translates this interest into sculptures made of semi abstract plant shapes and paintings that she uses as archetypal and multi-sensory images of our emotions.

Juliette’s works are made of silk and much of her process is devoted to plant dyes. The leaves, flowers, roots and bark that she uses contain pigments that give the fabric a particular vibration, as if the essence of plants were being transposed into the sculptures. The immersive experience of the work is then enriched with subtle sensualities and vegetal delicacies.

Enlightened by her own sensitive experiences of the plant realm, the environmental writings of David Abram, Emanuele Coccia and Greek mythologies, she perceives our inner wholeness as a communion with nature and the elements. Most recently, her work is revolving around the use of plants imagery as a representation of the woman’s inner and corporeal existence: eroticism and desire, fertility/aridity, torment and serenity. The sculptures then become an embodied and sensual metaphor of the different facets of her life as a woman.